Addressing Storm-Damaged Roofs: What Do You Need To Do?

A torrent of rain bolstered by strong winds can do extensive storm damage to your roof. The aftermath of a storm is always the most challenging; what do you need to do when you’ve just experienced a storm and it damaged your roof? Noble Roofing discusses this further.

Assessing the Damage

The first thing you need to do is assess the extent of the damage on your roofing. This can either be easy or tricky to do since sometimes, the damage done by the storm isn’t actually as obvious as a missing or cracked shingle. If you don’t see any noticeable damage, don’t discount it immediately.

Our roofing contractors recommend having us do an in-depth assessment of your roof. Most storm damage is actually internal, such as the development of leaks or moisture damage, which can be determined if there are water stains on the roof and ceiling.

Preventative Repair and Maintenance

Once you’ve determined the extent of the storm damage on your roof, you need to address it immediately. This is important since leaving the damage unaddressed can be more expensive in the long run. For example, a large leak opened up by a storm will further expand when the temperature starts warming up and cause water damage if it continues to rain.

You don’t want to take the risk when your roof has just recently sustained the brunt of a storm. When we work with you, you can count on us to do preventative repair and maintenance that doesn’t just address your existing storm damage, but also strengthens your roof for the future.

Did you recently experience a storm? Our team addresses storm damage on residential roofing swiftly and efficiently. Give us a call at (703) 404-0505 for more information on our services.

Categories: Blog
Daniel Darvishi: