How Snow Impacts Your Roof

Did you ever wonder if a large winter storm can affect the integrity of your roof, especially when the inches of snow keep piling up? We just had a relatively big storm sweep through Northern Virginia, leaving snow packed on cars and your roof. Just how much of an impact does snow have on your roof? Let’s find out today in today’s blog.

How Snow Impacts Your Roof

1: Adds Weight to Your Roof

While rain comes off your roof quickly, snow and ice stay on your roof for days. Therefore, you have an extra weight on your roof for a limited amount of time until it melts. If your roof isn’t structurally sound, this can cause added tension to it and make it more prone to damage.

2. Higher Risk for Leaks

As the snow starts to melt, the weight from the snow can cause damage which could result in leaks. Now, we’re not saying that every time it snows your roof is going to accrue damage. However, if your roof has been inspected and you’ve been told that its structure isn’t in prime condition, you should be on the lookout for leaks after a snowstorm. Melting snow can go under shingles in old roofs because the water lingers on your roof longer than rain does. If you have any concerns about the recent snowstorm causing leaks in your roof, call us today!

3. Ice & More Ice!

We recently discussed ice dams and their dangers in a previous Noble Roofing blog. Snow is a major cause of ice dams because as it melts slowly, the water can refreeze at the edge of the roof, forming icicles and ice dams. Not only is ice at the end of your roof a risk to your gutters and roof’s integrity, but icicles also pose s a safety risk for people walking under them. The best way to make sure that your prevent ice dams is to make sure your attic isn’t too warm in the winter so that the water doesn’t melt disproportionately. Getting high-quality seamless gutters also minimizes the impact icicles and ice dams can have on your roofing system.

How Can You Prevent Snow Damage on Your Roof?

The only way to make sure that your roof stands strong against snow is to get a yearly inspection to make sure it stays in great shape. Also, you should get roofing professionals to examine your roof after any big storm or unusual event that makes you concerned for your roof.

Roof Inspections in Centreville, VA

In our next post, we will discuss DIY roofing safety tips and when you should call in a pro. Check it out and let us know if you have any questions. Noble Roofing is the expert you can turn to for residential roofing and storm damage services. For more than two decades, we’ve developed a reputation for sheer quality and dependability. We serve Centreville, VA, and other nearby areas. Give us a call today at (703) 429-0840 and experience our top-notch service for yourself.
Categories: Blog Roofing
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