When Do I Need to Get Rid of That Tree?

Did you ever think you’d see the day when schools and government offices in Virginia were closed for high winds? Well, it just happened not too long ago when some serious storms blew through most of central and Northern Virginia. Not only did these high winds cause unexpected roof damage that had contractors backed up for months, there were also fallen trees that knocked out power grids in various counties.
When you think about the implications of summer storms, high winds, and high water, you can’t help but wonder about the trees around your home. When does a tree go from a harmless backyard shade-giver to a threat during the next big storm? First of all, if you currently have storm damage, we can give you a free estimate after you fill out a brief form. If you aren’t in need of any storm damage remediation: lucky you! This means that you have the chance to get your yard inspected for any hazards, especially trees before disaster potentially strikes you.

What kind of tree should I cut down?

Northern Virginia gets some pretty nasty storms that can knock over trees like these:
  • Trees with weak roots
  • Tall Trees that wobble in the wind
  • Dying trees
  • Dead trees
  • Trees in soil that tends to flood often
If you have trees around your home with these characteristics, you should cut them down before they become a problem. Don’t just get rid of the tree, either. Removing the stump too may cost more but it will boost your home’s curb appeal and value. (It will also prevent new baby trees from growing around it)! As a precaution, you should always cut down a tree that is too close for comfort, either near your house or where you park your cars. Nothing’s worse than having car or home damage that’s difficult to claim because trees don’t carry insurance.


Now let’s talk about s bad tree’s sneaky cousin, the large and heavy branch. Branches are deceptively dangerous. They may be part of a tree that’s far enough from your home that it doesn’t even come on your radar as a threat. However, during bad storms,  it’s out there wobbling up and down. What if it snaps off one day and lands on your car, into your siding, or onto your roof? If you see some pesky branches that could become problems, it’s a cheap fix to saw it off yourself or get a contractor to make quick work of the job.

Fast, Professional Storm Damage Response in Northern VA

We’re equipped to handle all of your storm-related repair needs. If your home was recently damaged by a fallen tree or other kind of projectile, we can help. Trust the repair and restoration of your roof and siding to the certified and experienced professionals at Noble Roofing. Call (703) 404-0505 for a fast and professional response to storm damage.
Categories: Blog Roofing
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