Your Quality Commercial Roofing Options

The type of commercial roof you have in your building has a substantial impact on how long it will stay in tip-top shape. Being the first line of defense against the elements, it’s important to make the right roofing choice. Here’s a look at a few popular commercial roofing choices and their benefits.

Built Up Roofing (BUR)

BURs provide buildings with excellent waterproofing and superior ultraviolet protection. They are a low maintenance option ideal for business owners who don’t much have time to spare for maintenance requirements. It lasts considerably longer against the weather compared to other roofing options. They are a long-term investment for top-notch building protection.

Modified Bitumen Roofing

One characteristic that makes modified bitumen stand out is its sheer longevity. This type of commercial roofing system can last up to 20 solid years without much maintenance requirements. It is a strong, dependable, and energy-efficient choice that also offers ample protection against inclement weather and subsequent water damage.

Single-Ply Roofing

Single-ply roofing membranes are one of the most popular commercial roofing options. With their high tensile strength and easy installation, they’re a natural choice for commercial building owners. Alongside a single-ply roof’s class A fire rating, it can last for as long as 50 years without showing signs of compromised performance.

While each of these roofing systems does come with its own inherent benefits, it’s important to know exactly what you need for your building. Discuss all your options with your trusted contractor to get the system best suited for you.

Noble Roofing is the premier expert in gutters and residential and commercial roofing in Virginia. We serve various cities across the state, including Leesburg, VA, and other nearby areas. Talk to us today at (703) 404-0505.

Categories: Roofing
Daniel Darvishi: