10 Ways to Make Back to School Less Stressful

It’s that time of year again. The kids are ready to get back to a school routine, and the parents are on a mad dash to get ready for a busy year. How do you make it easier for the whole family? Check out these 10 tips from Noble Roofing!

1. Shop online for supplies.

Do you have a long list of supplies for multiple kids? Set and forget this chore by shopping online. Amazon or Walmart pick up make it easy to do this task without getting the kids out of the car!

  • Pro tip: You can even do your shopping when the kids are in bed. What a great time to be alive!

2. Pack lunches the night before.

Waking up early to catch the bus or tackle the drop off line is already tough, so don’t add more stress to the mornings by making lunch too. By packing the night before, you gain more quality time in the morning. And don’t worry if you forget to pack- some nights- bought lunch is also great!

3. Check backpacks the night before.

Do your kids need to return permission slips, signatures, dues, or library books on certain days? Go through any notes from your child’s take home folder to find out what they need to bring back to school. Then, have everything ready to go in the backpack the night before. This eliminates any stress and scrambling during the morning rush.

4. Set outfits for the whole week on Sunday.

Follow Cute Expressions on Pinterest for more tips!

Deciding on an outfit can take up a considerable amount of time. But with some planning, you can make the mornings run more smoothly. To do this, get a 5-tier hanging cube storage rack. Label each cube according to the days of the week. Then, going by the weather predictions, create outfits with your child for each day of the week. Don’t worry if the forecast changes from time to time — you can always swap outfits between days.

5. Have a school calendar on display.

School schedules are hardly regular. To stay on top of what’s going on, get a calendar and label days. For example, when you know when PE or art happens, you can have your child dressed according to their elective activities. This gets simpler as your child gets older and is more aware of what classes they have and can dress on their own. A calendar also helps you keep on top of school closings and half days.

  • Pro tip: Having a lunch menu calendar on display is also helpful for you to decide whether to pack or buy lunch. We love pizza days (no packing for us)!

6. Keep active shoes available for all school days.

School is a place where kids stay relatively active, so wearing fancy shoes can end up being more of a hassle than fun. Due to snow days and holidays, it’s easy to lose track of what day it is. Sometimes, PE day may come at a surprise. So keep things simple and have active footwear available at all times. Either keep a pair of sneakers at school for the gym or always dress them in gym-appropriate shoes daily.

7. Have a “drop off” zone at home.

Hall Tree from wayfair.com

When everyone comes home from work and school, there can be a large deposit of lunch boxes, back packs, gym bags, and more. To make life easier, create a drop off zone in your home. Whether it’s a hall tree storage with hooks, a coat rack, or a mud room, make a designated spot where all shoes and daytime things go. Also, instruct everyone to neatly put away their lunch items in the sink before washing up and having a snack.

8. Have after school snacks ready

No matter how much your kids eat at school, when they get off the bus, they are somehow always hungry! Make it easy for them to settle at home by preparing a snack to give your kids in advance. Then, you can give this snack in the car after pickup or immediately to your kids after they get off the bus .While your kids enjoy their snacks, it’s a good time to connect and speak about the day!

9. Structure your weeknights.

Weeknights are busy times for families. Keep things simpler by adding some structure to your evenings which may include scheduling chores, some down time, time for homework, and dinner together. Having a block of unstructured time can also relieve stress and help your kids unwind!

  • Pro tip: Since kids spend all day on a schedule at school, it’s advised to have an hour or so after school to unwind and have free play. After having free time, kids are more receptive to structured activities like family dinner and cleanup chores.

10. Reward good behavior.

When you hear of your kids doing good at school and see good behavior at home, celebrate their achievements. When you provide incentives and recognition for doing well, they are more likely to keep up the good behavior and make the rest of the year smoother.

Back to school: A great time to schedule roofing inspections!

When the kids are in school, it’s easier to focus on home repairs since your little ones aren’t home. If you need to do a roofing inspection or perform a minor repair, this is an excellent time to request a work from home day and have our crew come over and fix or inspect your roof.

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