A New Roof: The Ultimate Exterior Upgrade

Have you been looking for a quick and  effective way to make your home look instantly younger? How do you achieve a marked increase in curb appeal and stand out from the other homes in your neighborhood? Whether you live in an HOA that demands picture perfect curb appeal or you need to get a leg up before you sell your home, getting a new roof can be a game-changer for your home’s exterior appearance. But don’t take our word for it, check out these incredible before and after pictures of homes that got the ultimate makeover with a new roof. And while you’re at it… check out our gallery of roof replacement before and after photos!

Roof Reno #1: Same Material; New Color!

Check out how the combination of a new roof and a different color totally changes the way this roof looks. The previous roof looks old, worn, and ready to fall apart. Meanwhile, its upgrade makes the house look decades younger. The new rust color also gives the home a brighter, more modern mood. When you get a new roof, you don’t just get better function, but you can transform the character of your home and grab attention immediately. Hands down, a roof replacement is a great way to beautify your home in not much time compared to other exterior projects. 

Roof Reno #2: From Dirty to Squeaky Clean

Here we have two houses of the same age side by side.  One has a new ceramic tile roof and the other has kept its original. You can see a big difference in how an upgrade can make a property look cleaner, fresher, and decades younger. In a contest of curb appeal, there is one undeniable winner. This is one example of how fixing  your roof can make your home pop compared to others on the block. If you plan on selling your home in the near future too, a new roof is a great way to get the best offer and beat competition in the neighborhood.

Roof Reno #3: Going Darker

Last but not least, here is one of our completed projects. As you can see, the former roof wasn’t in terrible shape compared to other old roofs you may encounter, but it was definitely nearing the end of its useful life. Over the years, the shingles faded under the sun. Also, fiberglass and asphalt shingles start to lose their grains and protective power over time. This can make an old roof a fire hazard and much less effective when faced with hail, snow, and heavy rain. This sophisticated upgrade to a darker shingle also gave this beautiful  house the update it needed to look its very best in the neighborhood. 

Trust Your Roof Replacement to Noble Roofing

Whether you’re looking for better form or function, or simply feel that a new roof is in order, trust Noble Roofing, the preferred choice for roof replacement in Centreville VA and surrounding cities. Give us a call at (703) 404-0505 to speak with our roofing experts. You can also request a free estimate through our online request form today.

Recently experience a bad Storm Damage? Sometimes a Roof Repair is all you need!

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