“Sheltering” In Place: Make Your House a Home During Quarantine

Remember that “honey-do” list that started to collect dust when your schedule was a whirlwind of happy hours, hangouts, and in-person work meetings? If your work has been postponed for a season or you’ve been ordered to work from home for a few weeks, you will surely start to notice some items that were on this list. The things around your home that didn’t bother you before are probably going to creep up on you if they already haven’t. Indeed, the small repair jobs that often escaped your notice when there was plenty to do have likely come into focus.

In this time of social distancing, we find that there’s a lot more time on our hands. In this season, it’s easier to notice home improvement needs that require just a little bit of fine-tuning and sprucing up to look like new. What kinds of projects can you take on in the mornings, lunch breaks, and evenings that you have in your home? Now’s a great time to turn “shelter in place” into an opportunity to make your home the coziest and most attractive it has ever been, inside and out! Check out these 5 tips on how to make your home more attractive during this quarantine.

1. Apply A Fresh Coat of Paint

Whether you have small children or your walls have accumulated stains over time for other reasons, every home can use a fresh coat of interior paint after a while. If you notice streaks, marks from crayons, and abrasions from furniture hitting the wall, new paint will conceal these flaws and make your home look like new. Take some time to explore what texture and color you want for each room and have some fun giving your home a new look. If you have painted window trim, you may also notice some chips and stained spots. Grab a small can of exterior paint and conceal these areas to make your home’s exterior gleam again. You can also get new window trim from Noble Roofing!

2. Use a Magic Eraser

Even the cleanest of houses have a few blemishes when you look closely. If you’re keen on making every square inch of your home’s interior look better, grab a few magic erases and touch up a room a day. You’ll be surprised to find what scuffs and stains are present on your baseboards, walls, and other surfaces when you have a chance to look closer!

3. Deep Clean Your Floors and Carpets

When there’s a lot of foot traffic inside your house and everyone’s home for longer periods of time than normal, then stains and scuffs are going to appear in high traffic areas. Steam clean deeply affected areas or spot clean small stains with a carpet cleaner. When you remove these spots, you’ll spruce up your home’s appearance.

4. Do Some Yard Work Each Day

Curb appeal is a big deal, and a lot can get overrun during the weeks in isolation. Stay on top of the weeds and overgrowth periodically to keep your home looking dignified. This yard work doesn’t have to be a large-scale project that is physically strenuous. It can look like mowing a section of your lawn each day, hedge clipping one overgrown vine during your lunch break, or pulling a few weeds out of your flower beds. A little bit of progress a day can show some visible results over time.

5. Keep Up the Regular Home Inspections

When the world slows down and your “big event” of the day is the arrival of an Amazon package, it’s easy to forget that there quite a few essential businesses still running that can help you maintain your home. Noble Roofing is an essential service, and we’re open and will work hard to keep your roof, siding, windows, and gutters looking and functioning well during this slowdown.

Have us come over and give your home a closer look. We will give you an honest assessment of your home’s needs so that you can rule out what is an immediate repair need and what elements are aesthetic. By maintaining these appointments with your roofers, plumbers, and HVAC techs, you can keep your home functionally sound during this quarantine.

Trust Your Roof Replacement to Noble Roofing

Whether you’re looking for better form or function, or simply feel that a new roof is in order, trust Noble Roofing, the preferred choice for roof replacement in Centreville VA and surrounding cities. Give us a call at (703) 404-0505 to speak with our roofing experts. You can also request a free estimate through our online request form today.

Recently experience bad Storm Damage? Sometimes a Roof Repair is all you need!

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