Should You Powerwash Your Asphalt Roof?

Among your DIY neighborhood friends, there is one question that consistently receives a lot of mixed answers:

Should I powerwash my roof?”

Responses to this question range from “Absolutely not! What are you thinking?!” to “Sure, if you keep the pressure low, what harm can it do? I do it all the time!”

But what is the truth? Just because you can, should you pressure wash your roof?

Why Pressure Washing is Appealing

The presence of moss and dark streaks that appear over time due to general wear and tear make it tempting to find fast ways to make your roof look like new again.  DIY homeowners who like a good challenge have often sought ways to clean these stains to restore the luster of new shingles to their asphalt roof. Why spend lots of money on replacing your roof when a quick wash can make it look great? However, do these efforts come at a cost?

Should You Powerwash Your Roof?

Though you may have seen your neighbors clean their roofs on their own without any apparent consequences, the best practice is to NOT powerwash your shingles.

We’re not saying that powerwashing won’t deliver results. Gently cleaning your shingles on a low setting will remove the grime and make your roof look aesthetically better. But this does come at a hidden cost: a decreased life span for your roof.

The sneaky thing about the damage is that you don’t see it at first. If you think about a hill that erodes over time from rainstorms, it is similar to how pressure washing slowly strips the granules from your asphalt shingles. This is bad news when the granules are the very things that give your asphalt shingles their protective power!

What If your Roof is Older and Could Use Some TLC?

If your roof is older than 15 years, it will naturally have some signs of aging. However, stripping their granules will only expedite your need for an entirely new roof.

At this point, you’re either better off saving up for a new roof. If you must have a beautiful roof for some special guests or your own personal happiness, you certainly can gently wash your asphalt roof while being aware that you are potentially shortening its life.

The course you take is up to you and what you’re comfortable with. At Noble Roofing, we recommend a full roof replacement after maximizing the life of your original roof so that you put more of your money where it’s going to last. If you need help determining the right material and style that makes sense with your home and budget, ask us!

Efficient Roof Repair in Centreville

Trust the repair and restoration of your roof to the professionals at Noble Roofing. Call (703) 404-0505 for an estimate today or complete our online quote request form.

In the case that your roof is too damaged, Noble Roofing also offers full Roof Replacements. Noble offers a 25-year roof protection warranty when purchasing GAF Roofing Systems.

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