Winter Blues + Pandemic? Here are some Tips on Getting Through It All.

As we enter year 3 of the pandemic, nobody could have ever guessed that restrictions and lockdowns would have lasted this long. Although quarantines for school, work, and childcare are more unpredictable instead of uniform, this can add to the level of stress since you never know when it’s going to happen.  

Therefore, today at Noble Roofing we want to take a break from talking about roofs and give you some practical insights on how to make all of your home function during this time. With the right home setup and coping strategies, you can ride out these tough times, and even have some fun in the process. 

A stylish home office

Invest in your health, entertainment, and relationships.

Practically speaking, it’s winter. There are fewer things to do outdoors right now and not as many special events going on due to the season itself. This is the same phenomenon that happens every year regardless of a pandemic or not. Therefore, investing in simple things you could do at home that take up time will help everybody feel happier. here are some things that you could do right now to beat the boredom:

  • Get an HBOMax account. Not only do you have access to a lot of great movies and shows, but you can also watch movies as soon as they come out in the theater. There’s no more theater FOMO!
  • Download a video game that you and your family can play together as a group. Something simple as the classic Mario Kart is a thrilling and fun time for all.
  • Gather around a trusted group of people and have a game night. Keeping in touch and doing in-person things with minimal risk is great for your mental health and helpful for your relationships.
  • Plan a Zoom watch party or video call with people that you miss so that you can chat with them in real-time and see their faces.
  • If you’ve been on the fence pre-pandemic about getting that bike, indoor golf practice set, or installing a swimming pool for the summer, now is the time to make those plans so that you can get excited about having more fun at home.
  • If getting to the gym is difficult or potentially unsafe for you, then check out the best at-home workout systems that can keep you active while not skimping on the quality of your workout.

Give everyone their own space — or improvise.

When everyone is at home more often than normal, conditions can start feeling cramped, even in larger homes. The key is to give everyone their own space or respect each other’s needs in practical ways. Here are some tips:

  • Create a dedicated “quiet room”, such as an office or guest room where someone can go to do work or take a moment to be alone.
  • Schedule time during the day when people need to respect school and work noise levels. This will help everyone get along and stay on top of their practical goals.
  • In smaller homes, rooms may need to be split into dual uses. For example, a guest bedroom can become a home office or part-time workout room. Respect the times that people want to use these rooms for their needs. Make a schedule if the need arises.
  • Respect those around you. Not everyone wants to listen to your YouTube videos blasting from your phone. Invest in earbuds and earplugs so that the noise lovers can still rock on to their music and people who need quiet can cancel out the noise.
  • Tip: Bose noise-canceling headphones are a lifesaver to harried parents (or anyone else) looking for a sound break. Use caution though — you don’t want to tune out a small child who needs help! Make sure there is a responsible adult around to take kid duty before you enjoy the silence.
noise canceling headphones : a modern marvel

Warm-up your outdoor spaces.

Spending time outside is great for your mental and physical health. In the winter, there are simply fewer things to do outside in general. If you’re lucky enough to find a bar with some outdoor propane heating elements, you can potentially have a drink or two with your friends in a well-ventilated environment. You can also bring this concept home and warm up your outdoor patio or sunroom safely with heating elements. This will give you the advantage of fresh air and new scenery while staying warm in this blustery season.

Make sure that the heating element that you purchase is approved for the type of space you need it for. For example, keep all heaters the recommended distance away from any type of flammable materials. Propane heaters should only be used outdoors where there’s plenty of ventilation. Keep them at the right distance from your house as well according to the manufacturer’s directions.

Plan something to look forward to.

In tough times, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, young or old, or where you live. Everybody is having this extraordinary experience and learning how to navigate the times. When things are emotionally challenging, it’s helpful to plan something fun that you can look forward to. Though you cannot know the future, you can still find activities and travel destinations that are low-risk and appealing to the whole family. Whether you want to visit family in a warmer climate or book a beautiful Airbnb in the Caribbean or a beachside summer vacation, you can take away the winter blues by making plans for a warm-weather trip each month.

  • Tip: Need to get away now? Check out some beautiful short-term vacation rentals in SoCal or Florida. These involve no passports. If you work remotely, many of these properties have home office accommodations for traveling workers.

Trust Your Roof Replacement to Noble Roofing

Whether you’re looking for better form or function, or simply feel that a new roof is in order, trust Noble Roofing, the preferred choice for roof replacement in Centreville VA, and surrounding cities. Give us a call at (703) 404-0505 to speak with our roofing experts. You can also request a free estimate through our online request form today.

Recently experience bad Storm Damage? Sometimes a Roof Repair is all you need!

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