2 Things You Should Ask Before You Pressure Wash Your Siding

Spring blossoms and pollen are well on their way, making it prime time for grime to build up on your once lovely siding. Protect your home by getting your siding pressure washed! However, before you begin, ask yourself these 3 important questions!

First things First…Pressure Washing vs. Power Washing

Pressure Washing sends water through a pressurized nozzle to send a stream of dirt-busting water on surfaces that are more susceptible to damage like siding,  patios, driveways, and tile.

Though power washing is a term that we often interchange with pressure washing, it is, in fact, a more heavy-duty version of pressure washing that is ideal for tough surfaces like concrete. Power washing is often done by pros and uses warm water and often involves the use of chemicals while pressure washing usually just uses water. It’s also not recommended for materials like siding.

#1: Check with Your Siding’s Manufacturer for Guidelines.

Different products have various levels of durability and cleaning recommendations. To get the best pressure washing results, consult your siding’s manufacturer guidelines. If it’s been a few decades since your siding has been installed and it’s difficult to find this information, you can always have us come over and take a look.

We can either recommend you the best course of action, which may involve a gentle cleaning or a replacement for any siding that is damaged or too outdated to be a worthy investment to maintain.

#2: Determine whether You Should DIY or Hire a Pro!

Do you have the right safety equipment and feel confident in doing the job yourself? Do you have all the tools and know-how to successfully complete the project? If so, you can make this a rather easy DIY project. If you decide to do a DIY project, buy the premixed cleaners like “Krudkutter” for your siding.

If you have any doubts or lack the equipment to do this job justice, you should call in professionals to help. Siding is made from different materials which require different techniques, sizes of nozzles, pressures, and cleaning chemicals. A professional will be able to determine what your siding needs to be restored to its former glory.

Contact Us to Learn More about Siding Installation or Replacement

Call us today at (703) 404-0505 to set up a consultation to discuss your siding in Centreville, Great Falls, McClean, Sterling or other nearby cities in Northern VA or Maryland. You can also submit a question or request a free siding estimate on our online contact form.

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