3 More Sneaky Roof Problems to Look For

Continuing the subject of sneaky roof issues, today we want to discuss more roofing problems that can happen any time of the year. These issues aren’t readily visible and easy to identify, which is dangerous because they don’t ring any alarms until they become bigger problems. This is why it’s important to inspect your roof yearly to rule out sneaky problems that can become expensive fixes. So while the kids are in school and the weather is mild, get your roof inspected to rule out sneaky problems today!

Your Shingles Don’t Look the Same

Asphalt shingles are sturdy and can last for many years, but over time they can show visible signs of deterioration. Even though the roof can look intact, the granules on the surface of your shingles will have worn down and there will be many shingles that have become brittle. Though other materials like metal take longer to wear down, your inspector will be able to notice any subtle signs of wear and tear such as the wearing away of the painted finish or the fasteners wearing out. These subtle signs happen long before shingles fall off, crack, crumble, or curl. Though homeowners can easily spot these obvious signs, a professional can identify problems and schedule a repair or replacement before a leak can start. 

The Phantom Leak

If you notice that a part of a wall or ceiling is showing some discoloration but there is no active leak, then you need to get help immediately. Homeowners commonly brush off a small stain or spot if it doesn’t get bigger, but if water got inside your home from the roof once, it will happen again.  However, ignoring the breach just gives your roof time to wear down more and allow more water to enter your house in the future. So, if you caught the leak early — congratulations! Fixing it now doesn’t take long or cost nearly as much money as replacing a whole roof.

A Wet Attic

If you have an unfinished attic, you probably only go there a few times a year to take out seasonal items. However, many sneaky problems can be identified in the attic, although they manifest in subtle ways. For instance, the air can just feel especially damp. The wood and insulation can also feel wet. In the winter, frozen icicle-like growths called “shiners” may appear where nails protrude, which are also a sign of an attic leak. Frost that lines the attic’s ceiling is also a tell-tale sign of poor ventilation and a potential leak. These signs of a bad roof aren’t obvious to an amateur but will set off red flags to a professional roof inspector.

  • Pro tip: If you leave the lights off in the attic during the day, it’s easy to see if there are pinholes in your roof. These small, sneaky leak holes let in small amounts of water and should be fixed immediately.

Let Us Take Care of your Residential Roofing Needs Today

Whether you need a new roof, new gutters, or a small roof repair, you can count on Noble Roofing’s dependable residential roofing services. Call us today at (703) 404-0505 to schedule your free and no-obligation in-home inspection and estimate. You can also submit a contact form while you are here on our website.

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