Filing a Wind Damage Claim to Homeowner’s Insurance

When it comes to storm damage, we’ve recently talked about hail and how it can affect your home. High winds can also affect your home, but how do you file a proper claim for wind-related damage?  Homeowners often have many questions regarding insurance claims. Does your plan include damage from strong winds? If it does, then what can you look out for and how can you make a strong case for repair reimbursement?

Step 1: Find Out What Type of Wind Damage is Covered

While the typical homeowner’s insurance policy covers wind damage, there can be some exceptions. Some cheaper policies may not even include wind damage coverage. It’s important to call your insurance provider and confirm what is covered. Coverage often depends on a few factors:

  • The age of your roof: Be aware that the age of your roof does determine how much you can get. For example, a new roof can get a full reimbursement for repairs, while an older roof may get the depreciated value only.
  • Where you live: Rates and coverage benefits vary from region to region.
  • Type of wind damage approved (hurricane vs. regular storm): Some plans may not include regular storms and just involve major hurricanes and tornadoes! Check before you commit to a plan!

It’s important to know exactly what to expect and to make adjustments to your plan if need be so that when the unexpected happens, you don’t have to worry.

“Barebones” homeowners insurance policies cover wind damage from catastrophic storms like hurricanes and tornadoes. Unfortunately, these types of plans exclude high winds from a summer storm. However, if you have experienced weather here in Virginia, you know that winds can get in the upper 50 to 60 mph speeds, which can blow off roofing shingles— no hurricane required. So if your agent tells you that you don’t have wind damage coverage from normal storms, it’s time to amend your policy ASAP.

Wind Damage Coverage

Wind damage from summer storms can be covered under one of two types of coverage. Ask your insurance provider about the particulars of each type of plan to find out which one is right for you:

  • Dwelling Coverage: This type is geared toward protecting your home’s structure. This can cover damage to your siding, roof, or windows.
  • Personal Property Coverage: This is damage that happens to your personal property, which includes your house. For example, if your insurance can verify that wind took your shingles, then personal property coverage can reimburse you for the repairs.

Be sure to make adjustments to your plan so you can be prepared for the next windstorm and have the ability to file a claim.

2. Document Everything!

If your policy covers wind damage that is from any storm, then you have the green light to make a claim. An insurance adjuster will come to your home and inspect the damage in person. These individuals can miss many details or not have the expertise to make an accurate assessment of how much the repairs would cost. Or, in the worst case, they can try to deny your claim altogether.

But when you have documented proof from your own phone or camera and paperwork from a licensed roofing inspector confirming the source of the damage, you can make a strong insurance claim.

If the damage is 100% from a wind storm, don’t let your insurance company try to pass it off as aging, wear and tear, or normal maintenance needs. Only an expert eye can verify the nature of the damage and confirm if it is not the result of wear and tear.

Wind Damage in Northern Virginia

To have the best chances of an accepted claim, a professional inspection from a licensed roofer to verify the damage is from the most recent storm. An experienced roofing contractor from Noble Roofing can take a look at your roof and detect any damage from wind and enable you to make a timely claim to your insurance company. By detecting roofing damage early, you can save yourself a lot of money that can stem from water damage and structural issues.

After inspecting your roof, we will give you an honest estimate about repairs and give you our best advice on how to make a claim. Trust the repair and restoration of your roof to the certified and experienced professionals at Noble Roofing. Call (703) 404-0505 for a fast and professional response to wind damage.

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