Wind Damage in Northern Virginia

Wind damage is an unfortunate part of summer weather, and it comes with strong thunderstorms. Whether it’s intense heat, flash floods, hail, or high winds, these conditions can test your roof’s integrity. In addition, a roof that is left in disrepair for too long can threaten your finances as well by allowing water to enter your home, which leads to expensive mold damage and wood rot.

High winds can damage your roof and siding in an instant. It can affect your home’s roofing system and siding in ways that can lead to expensive repairs if not addressed quickly. This is why it’s important to get professional roofers and siding experts to inspect your home after you see high wind damage so you can have the right documentation to file an insurance claim.

What Does Wind Damage Look Like?

There are three main ways wind damage can affect your home.

  1. The Roof: One of the most common ways wind can damage your home is by ripping off roof shingles. Asphalt shingles that are up there in years are the most viable candidates for this kind of damage. This is because when they get old, they start to break in half, allowing part of it to “flap” in the air when high winds come. If the gusts are strong enough, it will take a few shingles with it. When these shingles aren’t repaired quickly, water can get underneath them and start to destroy your roof.
  2. Siding: Wind can also rip off any siding that isn’t secured properly or has come loose over time. Any siding that is missing from your home poses a large risk for water or mold damage in your walls that can lead to both health problems and expensive remediation. Bugs and other wildlife can also find ways to invade your home when siding isn’t present to guard your home against their entry.
  3. Gutters: In some cases, high winds can be the “finishing touch” that rips off your gutters if they are hanging by a thread. Loose gutters that don’t get nailed back in as soon as they start to come off can easily fall victim to 50 mph gusts. To make sure that your gutters don’t even come loose, cleaning them of debris at least every 6 months will keep them light so that rain won’t weigh them down from the clogging.

How to File a Wind Damage Claim

If your homeowner’s insurance plan covers incidentals such as storms wind damage can fall into this category. This is great news if you want to not draw out of your own funds to pay for your roof. To make a proper claim though, you can’t just take a few snapshots on your phone and call it a day. When it’s just your word against an insurance company that’s looking to pay as little as possible, you need to make a solid case for proper repair reimbursement.

Insurance companies will ask you many questions and even send an adjuster over to inspect the damage to verify the claim. This means that having a professional inspection with the confirmation that the damage is the result of wind damage is important to have on hand. Your adjuster will need all the evidence so that your claim can be approved as quickly and easily as possible.

Let Us Take Care of your Residential Roofing Needs Today

Whether you need a new roof, new gutters, or a small roof repair, you can count on Noble Roofing’s dependable residential roofing services. We can spot the signs of wind damage with our expert eyes and provide you with the right paperwork to file a solid claim.

Call us today at (703) 404-0505 to schedule your free and no-obligation in-home inspection and estimate. You can also submit a contact form while you are here on our website.

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