Gutter Guards: Worth It?

When deciding whether or not to get gutter guards, you have to weigh the cost against the benefits. It all differs from home to home depending on the conditions as well. To determine if gutter guards are the right thing for your home consider these things;

  • How much debris gets onto your roof
  • How often do you have to clean your gutters
  • Will you be DIYing or getting professional installation
  • And of course, costs

If you get a lot of debris on your roof which gets stuck in your gutters, then you’ll have to clean them pretty often. Especially now that it’s autumn, leaves are everywhere and if they stay in the gutters for too long, big issues can arise.

Benefits of Gutter Guards

1.) Less Backup in the Gutters

Gutter guards create a filter so that most debris stay on the outside or get washed off the roof. With the filtering system in place, there will be less of a need for gutter cleanings. This doesn’t mean there’s no maintenance though, you’ll still need to sweep off the leaves from the guards and do light cleaning of the gutters when needed. It’ll just be less work and not as frequent as before.

2.) Pest Control

Another problem guards can help with is stopping animals from living in the gutters. Many birds, squirrels, and other animals like to create nests in gutters which can create further damage to the structure.

If it’s clogged up and there’s standing water, that can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes as well.

3.) Protects the Home

Having your gutters full of debris can trap water which can lead to many problems. If water is overflowing and puddling at the base of your house, that can mess up the foundation. It can also pool on the roof and go under the shingles or between the fascia board leading to potential leaking in the house.

All the debris that’s sitting in a damp gutter can house mold and mildew as well. That mold and milder can spread to inside the house if not treated. This can lead to allergies and illnesses to arise from poor air quality which is something we don’t want.

In the end, it’s worth it to get gutter guards installed for the long term benefits, especially here in Virginia. To make sure your home is properly protected, give us a call for a gutter consultation today!

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