Pollen Is Here! 4 Ways to Make Your Home Beautiful This Spring.

April showers bring May flowers…

…which unfortunately bring out a LOT of pollen. It’s on your car. Somehow, it got in your car. It gets in your nose and makes you sneeze. When it rains, you see oozes of yellow-green water seeping into gutters in the street.

There’s another place pollen invades and the results aren’t pretty: your home!

What was once a pristine roof, deck, siding, and other exterior parts have suddenly become covered in a greenish “dust” that makes your home looks worse for wear. How do you keep your home beautiful when pollen has taken a toll on its exterior?

Here are 4 ways to keep your home beautiful this spring.

#1: Powerwash Your Siding

The most affordable option is to get your home professionally powerwashed or cleaned. Your windows and siding can get an incredible makeover with just a quick touch-up. To be sure that the job is done correctly, make sure that you hire contractors who are licensed, bonded, and insured to do the job— like us!

Note: It’s not recommended to powerwash your roof. Even a professionally installed roof can experience some trauma when high-speed jets of water are directly sprayed on it. Instead, ask us how we can gently clean your roof without damaging any shingles.

#2: Update your siding.

You may be in a situation where your siding has turned green has retained some stains from a few seasons of neglecting to powerwash. Your siding can also be of low quality or very old so that a powerwashing job may not completely get rid of all the stains. Your best bet to make your home attractive is to update your siding to a high-quality brand that is durable, colorfast, and easy to clean. At Noble Roofing, we don’t think just any brand of siding will do. Here are our three favorite brands:

To find out more, click on any of the links above to see what styles, textures, and colors each brand offers. Investing in a high-quality siding will make your home look great and make it easier to keep clean during pollen season.

#3: Update your roof.

If your roof is catching all sorts of pollen but also looks run down, then you should consider updating your roof. Old roofs, especially asphalt ones, can start to “catch” more debris and stains as they age. You may be noticing black streaks on your roof as well, (don’t panic though, it’s most likely just algae) that you want to touch up. Though these stains can come out with some gentle cleaning, there are some roof types, like asphalt, that can wear down more quickly when washed. If your roof is stained and is prone to damage from any kind of pressure washing, you may want to consider a total renovation to a material that’s easy to clean like metal. Another perk about a metal roof is that it can last for over a century!

#4: Pre-treat your home for damage and stains.

When it comes to stains from pollen, mold, or any other outdoor element, prevention is the best offense! Ask us about ways to treat your home’s exterior to minimize pollen damage when spring comes to threaten your home’s looks!

Most siding and roofs of high quality are already manufactured to resist common nuisances from moisture damage, but if you are using wood, you should take care to treat and stain this material periodically to keep it from succumbing to water damage and pollen stains. To find out more, just ask us.

Learn More about Siding/Roof Installation & Replacement

Call us today at (703) 404-0505 to set up a consultation to discuss your siding in Centreville, Great Falls, McClean, Sterling or other nearby cities in Northern VA or Maryland. You can also submit a question or request a free estimate on our online contact form.

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